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Starbucks’ new delivery service will make mornings so much easier


You know those mornings when you wake up craving coffee but don’t have any at home to make?

Or in my case, you have plenty to make but don’t want to go through the effort. Well, that problem’s on the way to being solved forever thanks to Starbucks.

The company just announced it will be starting delivery service in New York City and Seattle at some point this year. Now, I know not everyone lives in those two cities, but every genius idea has to start somewhere. I can only assume that if it does well (and boy, will it!), then the company will consider rolling it out to more cities.

While there won’t be a delivery minimum, there will be a delivery charge. At first, I was like, “I’m not that lazy that I’ll pay a delivery fee! That’s preposterous!” But then I was like, “Oh right, I totally am.” And I know I’m not alone when it comes to paying a few extra dollars for the luxury of staying in my pajamas and lying in bed.

In honor of this great news, let’s pretend that whole “Race Together” thing never happened and that Starbucks is still the best company ever. Deal?

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