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Deep-fried Starbucks, plus 4 more heart-stoppingly good carnival foods

Fair season is here, and you know what that means!

It’s time to indulge in the craziest, least healthy, deep-fried, cheese-smothered and otherwise lethal foods of the year. Aside from sports stadiums, there’s nowhere else where it’s acceptable to consume meat, sugar and cheese in such astounding quantities and configurations, so embrace fair season while you can by trying one of the five latest fair foods of 2015.

1. Deep-fried Starbucks

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Starbucks’ new Frapuccino flavors may sound crazy, but they’ve been totally outdone by Bacon-A-Fair at the San Diego Fair and its deep-fried ground coffee, which comes on a stick with whipped cream.

2. Fireball Whiskey Banana Doughnut

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Texas Donuts at the San Diego Fair has managed to top its Pop Rocks doughnut from last year with this insanely decadent-looking creation, complete with a Fireball Whiskey glaze, bananas and a caramel drizzle.

3. Deep-fried peanut butter-filled pickle

At Chicken Charlie’s at the San Diego Fair, you can find a most beguiling treat — a peanut butter-filled pickle dipped in batter and then deep-fried. Honestly, it sounds kind of weird to me, but everything tastes good when it’s deep-fried, right?

4. Krispy Kreme doughnut burger

Everyone loves Krispy Kreme, and everyone loves burgers. Combine the two, and you have a heart-stoppingly good fair food: the triple-patty Krispy Kreme doughnut burger, spotted at the San Diego Fair.

5. Grilled chili cheese Frito crunch sandwich

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Say whaaaat? Grilled cheese might seem boring, but add some spicy chili and the crunch of Fritos, and you’ve got yourself a totally craveable treat. Get it at the Grilled Cheese-a-Fair at the San Diego Fair.

More crazy food

17 Glorious deep-fried fair foods you can make at home
10 Fall food trends we’re already excited about
12 State fair foods

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