Girl Scout Cookies year-round? Kids today have all the luck.
The new Girl Scouts Cookie Oven from Wicked Cool Toys is a game changer. Kids new to the phenomena of Thin Mints and Trefoils won’t realize that “back in the old days” we used to have to wait all year for cookie season. Those days are gone. You no longer need to hoard boxes in the freezer, wrapped in Brussels sprouts packaging to protect them from the rest of the family. Now you can just ask your kids to make the cookies for you (though keeping an emergency box in the freezer is still probably a good idea).
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Image: Wicked Cool Toys
Of course, we needed to know the most important piece of information — how do the cookies taste? We invited in a group of Hatch Kids to test out the Thin Mints-inspired cookies.
The consensus? Kids like cookies. And they have fun making them. One taste tester said she would definitely make them again because it was “awesome, fun, and the frosting is really good.” Hard to argue with good frosting. Another taste tester noted that they’re “different than normal Girl Scout Cookies,” with a chewier texture. The same eloquent young man also said, “Even if they come out and don’t taste that well, it’s the experience that counts.”
And that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
Let’s face it: Nothing can replace the experience of a fresh sleeve of Thin Mints, and you can’t resist buying box after box anyway once cookie season rolls around. But having a way to make warm, fresh-from-the-oven Girl Scout Cookies anytime isn’t so bad either.
More:Girl Scout Cookies and wine are a match made in heaven (INFOGRAPHIC)
You can preorder your own Girl Scouts Cookie Oven via the website ($60), along with a variety of cookie mixes, for delivery later this month. The product will also be available in-store this month, but the date will vary by retailer.
Or just go the easy route (no baking required), and buy your normal dozen boxes from a Scout. Better yet, sign up your little one for the Girl Scouts, and help her sell the cookies. That’s direct access to all the Samoas and Peanut Butter Patties you want.
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