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Can VeganEgg actually replace regular eggs? We found out


SheKnows Editorial

4. Scrambled eggs

It was the ultimate test: the scrambled egg. I was excited to see how VeganEgg would work, so a scramblin’ I went.


Taste: Very mild. I was nervous again about the sulfuric smell, but after scrambling, it pretty much went away. I did find that I added a lot more salt and pepper to this than I would to normal eggs, because the flavor was so mild. But it was a very close approximation — I was impressed.

Texture: VeganEgg really scrambles! It sizzles and firms up as soon as it hits the pan, just like a real egg. The major difference is that VeganEgg has to be cooked over medium-high heat for 6 to 8 minutes. Even so, the resultant scramble was very moist (verging on somewhat gloopy), more like a European soft scrambled egg than the fluffier, dry style you’d get at an American diner.

Overall: If you’re a vegan who has been sorely missing scrambled eggs, you’re in luck. VeganEgg scrambles up just like the real thing, and though its mild flavor is somewhat lacking, that gives you an excuse to doctor it up with your favorite hot sauce or ketchup, which is pretty much what scrambled eggs are a vehicle for anyway.


Overall: You know what scrambled eggs taste like!

A few notes on using VeganEgg

VeganEgg is powdered, and the instructions say that to create the equivalent of one egg, you mix 2 tablespoons of the powder with 1/2 cup of cold water. That ends up being almost twice the volume of one regular egg (trust me, I measured). So you’d be better off measuring out 1/4 cup of the prepared VeganEgg mixture for every egg you’re replacing in a recipe.

Another thing you may notice is that VeganEgg has a strong sulfur smell when you first mix it, the result of black salt. Though it does help it retain an eggy flavor once scrambled, the scent is slightly off-putting. Luckily I couldn’t taste any of the sulfur flavor in the baked goods I made.

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Final thoughts

So, can VeganEgg take the place of the real thing? In certain instances, yes. I would say VeganEgg is perfect for making vegan scrambles, and it should work well as a baking replacement in your favorite cookie, cake or brownie recipes. In recipes where eggs are used as a leavener instead of a binder, you might want to think again or make up for the lost leavening with a little extra baking powder.

VeganEgg will be available in stores this November. You can learn more about the product here.

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