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#BlogHerFood15 taught me what it means to Eat. Pray. Love 

My first experience with #BlogHerFood could be described in these words: Eat, pray, love.


Let me begin by stating that I ate so much food that weekend I could probably survive on water until Thanksgiving. There was food, food and more food. If not the normal conference fare, there were the vendors who provided food, drinks and snacks that could last you throughout the weekend. This was one food conference where there was plenty of food.


There were a lot of things to pray about. First and foremost, I was thankful I did not burst any seams in my clothes. Did I mention there was a great deal of eating going on? I also prayed for my back and my arms because the amount of swag and the promotional items you get can be a lot to carry. One day, I came home with five bags. Pray you are staying at the host hotel. Since the conference was local for me this year, I opted to commute. While it was a great cost saver, I think it would have been a better plan to stay on sight.

You will also pray for long naps. The conference is nonstop. You are literally going from the time breakfast starts until the end of the night. You will pray for comfortable shoes; they will definitely come in handy. You will pray for note-taking skills because you will have information overload. You will also pray that you have current, updated business cards. You will pray that moving forward, you never miss a conference.


You will love your experience. You will love the camaraderie, you will love the fellowship and you will love all of the information that was shared. You will love the workshops, the vendors, the demonstrations and the parties. You will love blogging even more. You will love BlogHer and the time, attention to detail and the preparation that takes place to put a conference of this magnitude together. You will love SheKnows and make it your business to walk around with your bright orange cup letting the world know that you are not alone and that you have a blogging community where people not only eat, drink and be merry, they teach, they learn, they dance and they even karaoke.

When I left the conference, I was exhausted. It has taken a few days to be able to collect and articulate my thoughts because all I could think about was unpacking all of my free stuff and sleeping for a few days — which didn’t happen because I still have a nine-to-five job. I am looking forward to incorporating all of the things I have learned. I am excited about taking my blogging skills up a notch. Since the moment the conference ended “Eat. Pray. Love” has resonated in my mind. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to share my Eat. Pray. Love. experience.

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