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3 ‘Secret’ Frappuccinos you can get your sweetie on Valentine’s Day (PHOTOS)

Forget about the reigning seasonal Starbucks flavor — see you next year, PSL — and get ready for your newest secret menu obsession. Two baristas at an Arizona licensed Starbucks have created three special Valentine’s Day flavors of everyone’s favorite frozen sugar bomb, and the result is the perfect treat for your sweetie. Even — or especially — if you’re your own date this year.

Tony Aguilar, a barista at a licensed store in Tucson, Arizona, showed three Valentine’s-themed Frappuccino flavors of his (and a co-worker’s) own invention on Reddit’s Starbucks subreddit, much to the delight of what appears to be the entire known Internet.

The three new drinks have adorable names, look completely tasty and are just in time for Feb. 14. Feast your eyes upon the Valentine, the Love Bean and the Java Berry Frappuccinos, two of which are topped with “raspberry-infused whipped cream,” a term second only in beauty to “cellar door.”

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The Love Bean is vanilla bean inundated with raspberry syrup, topped with raspberry whipped cream and sprinkled with chocolate curls. The Java Berry is a Mocha Chip Frappuccino topped with the aforementioned whipped cream and chocolate curls again. And the Valentine is a pink and purple confection that layers blackberry on top of vanilla bean on top of raspberry.

Drooling yet?

SheKnows was curious about the sweet treats, word of which has already been spreading like crazy across social media thanks to the Frappuccino’s vast legion of devotees, so we spoke to Aguilar to see how he came up with the flavors and what he thinks about all the attention it’s getting.

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Apparently the path from conception to completion was pretty quick and straightforward thanks to a particularly sweet catalyst. Aguilar told us, “The whole process probably took five to 10 minutes, max. My one-year anniversary is coming up on Valentine’s Day, and we had just put out our Valentine’s Day merchandise, so I must [have] been in a really loving mood. It was a no-brainer, though. Anything pink and purple was a must.”

Because these aren’t “official” drinks, it’s hard to say what they’ll cost, he explained, but they “would vary since they’re different modifications.” As to how easy it will be to walk into your local Starbucks and get one of these, Aguilar said, “Even though my original intention wasn’t mass consumption, [people should be able to get them anywhere], if baristas are willing to make them, of course.”

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That shouldn’t be too much of a problem: Starbucks has often touted its over 36,000 possible Frappuccino ingredient combinations as a point of pride, so it’s definitely worth a try. There’s just one caveat, though. Aguilar reminded us that “the chocolate curls are seasonal, so once those are gone at your store, they’re gone for the season.” So if you want to try the Love Bean or Java Berry (Aguilar’s personal fave), you’d better hurry.

The barista has been “blown away” by all the attention the “secret menu” drinks have been getting. “Originally,” he told us, “I posted the photos to show what I had come up with and get ideas to try out. After Delish picked it up, it just took off from there.”

Well, we’re glad it did, because a world without pink Valentine’s-themed drinks is one we don’t want to live in.

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