We’ve all seen it at our local Ikea store: the tiny Swedish market at the end of the endless labyrinth of furniture and impulsive purchases. This food market is loaded with delicious and often healthy artisan goods and, in true Ikea fashion, they are more than affordable.
Add these scrumptious Swedish delights to your next Ikea shopping haul.
1. Knäckebröd Flerkorn (Multigrain crispbread) – £1.30
Fibrous, healthy and oh-so-perfect for breakfast, we can see why the Swedish eat this gourmet cracker with absolutely everything.
2. Kakor Choklad (Biscuits with chocolate-flavoured filling) £0.80
This is a Swedish person’s answer to an Oreo. It’s impossible to eat only one and you may be temped to eat around 332 of them with a big glass of milk. Or two.
More: Swedish pancakes (RECIPE)
3. Kakor Havre (Sugar-free oat biscuits) – £1.25
If you’re on a mission to be healthy but can’t resist a biscuit, this is one crumbly treat you won’t have to reject. Sans sugar and “just sweet enough,” these Swedish oat biscuits are a great addition to any store cupboard.
4. Sötsak Kakaoboll (Cocoa and coconut-coated oat pastry) – £1.20
Food porn from Ikea — who would have thought?
This tastes like a gourmet truffle from the food heavens. Serve these as dessert at a dinner party and we promise not one of your guests will guess they are from Ikea (but you may have to tell them after they beg for the recipe).
More: Swedish white brownies (RECIPE)
5. Sylt Hallon & Blåbär (Organic raspberry and blueberry jam) – £2.40
This is a taste of Swedish summer in a jar. We could eat this with Knäckebröd Flerkorn every morning. This fruity snack is also the perfectly nutritious way to satisfy a late-night sweet tooth.
6. Rostad Lök (Fried onions) – £0.65
These belong on everything. Perfect atop a hot dog or a genius hack for an amazingly delicious salad, this typical Swedish delicacy can turn up the flavour game of any dish.
7. Chokladkrokant Bredbar (Chocolate-flavour spread with butterscotch pieces) – £1.75
Two words: Butterscotch pieces. Heavenly, rich and best served by the spoonful, this Swedish chocolate invention makes it socially acceptable to cheat on Nutella.
8. Öl Ljus Lager (Light lager beer) – £1.50
A classic, light and satisfying beer. The just-bitter-enough taste accompanied by fragrant and fresh hoppy smells make this the perfect reward for surviving Ikea.
9. Kanelbullar (Cinnamon buns) – £2.25
Sweden is famous for its insanely lush cinnamon buns so, of course, Ikea kindly provides the masses with an oven-ready version. The smell of these baking will fill your home with the delicious aroma of comfort food. The first bite of these sweet and fluffy buns will transport your taste buds to the heart of Sweden’s culinary culture.
10. Grönsaksbullar (Vegetable balls) – £3.85
This is the vegetarian answer to Swedish meatballs and I can’t get enough. Loaded with protein, chopped veggies and ready in less than 10 minutes, this is the perfect post-workout snack or a delicious addition to any salad.
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