Just when you thought you were safe, the Double Down is coming back to haunt you.
KFC’s original Double Down removed the traditional bun from a sandwich and replaced it with fried chicken fillets, and Taco Bell is now following suit.
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Its Naked Chicken Chalupa sees a thin fried chicken fillet taco shell stuffed with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and avocado ranch sauce. It’s crispy, juicy and stuffed with veggies and a creamy sauce… what’s not to love?
Here’s How Taco Bell Makes A Taco Shell Out Of Fried Chicken https://t.co/4Nqsbp5t0tpic.twitter.com/xr5BLJJHib
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) May 20, 2016
And that’s what makes it scary. It isn’t that it sounds bad… it’s that it sounds almost irresistible. When this sort of temptation is just a drive-thru trip away, it’s impossible to not give in to your cravings. I mean, look at it.
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Taco Bell testing out the Naked Chicken Chalupa, a fried chicken wrap without the wrap https://t.co/2K1mwUUdFdpic.twitter.com/D9Qn64wwK0
— B2B Networking Group (@B2BGroupGTA) May 20, 2016
Taco Bell's New Naked Crispy Chicken Chalupa Has Fried Chicken for a Shell – https://t.co/rXvajv6erapic.twitter.com/rXH4rVDvOW
— Chef TJ (@CajunCatsup) April 29, 2016
The product is currently being tested at several locations in Bakersfield, California, and in Kansas City, but a rep for the company told BuzzFeed that the possibility of a national launch is promising.
I for one am excited that Taco Bell keeps on innovating, from the waffle taco to the Quesalupa. Next stop? How about a Doritos Locos Naked Chicken Chalupa? Now there’s a mashup that no one could resist.
More:10 crazy fast-food items that might push the envelope a bit too far
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