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How to save money on groceries if you absolutely cannot with the couponing

Think couponing is the only way to save money on groceries? Nope. There are other ways you can save. Couponing isn’t for everyone, and that’s totally fine. We have a few tricks and tips that will help you save money on your groceries without having to clip coupons out of the store circulars.

More:9 smart ways to save money on fresh produce

Buy what’s on sale

You know this one already, but let this serve as a reminder. Cheese, meat, produce — it’s all bound to go on sale sometime or another. Buy foods that are on sale instead of going with the full-priced items. We know you may be loyal to your favorite brand, but it may save you a few extra dollars to go with the store brand instead of the brand you like.

Buy only what you need

If you’re feeding a family of two, then buy only what you know your family can consume between now and the next time you go grocery shopping. Don’t splurge for the huge family packs if you know most of it will end up going to waste — you’re losing money that way.

Store loyalty programs

Most markets have store loyalty programs you can enroll in to maximize your savings during sales. It’s super simple to sign up, and most markets will give you a card right on the spot. Also, depending on what market you shop at, you might be able to get bonuses or discounts on non-food items.

More: Innovative ways to save more money

Try other markets in your neighborhood

If you have more than one market near you, scope out the competition. While you may be attached to your grocery store and you know where everything is and in what aisle, you never know what sales other grocery stores are having. There’s a chance that you might find better deals at another local grocer. Just give it a try.

Don’t buy packaged or sealed produce

You pay more for the packaged veggies and salads than you do for the fruit and veggies sold loose. Always go with the whole produce; it’s the healthier and the cheaper option.

Don’t buy toiletries at the supermarket

While it’s convenient to scoop up toothpaste, napkins, shampoo and other toiletries at the grocery store, those items tend to be more expensive there. Go to your nearest dollar store to buy those items, and it’ll save you money.

More:16 smart steps to save money on groceries

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