Blue Bell has a new ice cream flavor out this week, and though I usually associate ice cream with summer (for obvious reasons), this one is perfect for fall.
It’s called Camo ‘n Cream, and it’s coming just in time for hunting season. The flavor is a blend of pistachio almond, milk chocolate, and cream cheese ice cream. Honestly, that combo sounds like something I’d come up with when raiding the freezer after a long night out, but even though it’s definitely unique, I think it sounds delicious.
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Carl Breed, director of marketing for Blue Bell, said in an interview, “You see the camo design on everything these days, so we thought why not create an ice cream flavor that looks camouflage?”
I mean, I feel like 1995 to 2001 was really when camo print peaked in home decor and fashion (thank God), but regardless, camo ice cream is a pretty innovative idea. It’s cool that they took their inspiration from a visual cue, then created a flavor combo that could match their inspiration while still tasting great.
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And it better taste great. I can’t be the only one who associates camo and food with MREs and non-perishable meals, so Blue Bell better make sure their new Camo ‘n Cream flavor doesn’t invite any comparisons.
That being said, I appreciate that Blue Bell has come up with an ice cream that feels vaguely autumnal. I’m glad I’ll finally have an excuse to keep dipping into a pint of ice cream long after the dog days of summer have come to an end. Because nothing says fall like eating ice cream in your flannel pajamas, right?
More:Blue Bell ice cream is back, customers waste no time getting their fix
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