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The Jury Is Out on This New M&M’s Flavor

M&M’s definitely isn’t afraid to switch up a classic formula and try new flavors. Just last year, they debuted Chili Nut, Honey Nut and Coffee Nut variations on peanut M&M’s — but we definitely didn’t see this latest one coming: Strawberry Nut. And we gotta admit, while we love strawberries and we like peanut M&M’s, we’re not so sure about whether we’ll love the two mixed together.

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Luckily, there are already some insider leaks about what the new flavor is like. “With Strawberry Nut you get red for the outside of the strawberry, pink for the inside, and green for the stem,” reports food blog The Impulsive Buy, whose writers got their hands on this new flavor and were able to test it before most people. “I’m torn of what I thought of the strawberry flavor here. On one hand, it wasn’t very powerful, so while tossing back a few at a time, it started to taste like I was eating normal Peanut M&M’s. On the other hand, if they did go overboard with the strawberry, it would have been way too sweet and artificial tasting.” True that.

The limited-edition Strawberry Nut M&M’s are already available in some Rite Aids and Walmarts, but apparently aren’t the easiest to find. So if you do come across them, grab them, because you might not get another chance too soon. Oh, and they’re also part of M&M’s Get Nutty program, which awards prizes to select people who take selfies holding their favorite M&M’s flavor — in which case, we’re definitely into it, flavor aside, because who doesn’t want free swag?!

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