Ivanka Trump may have grown up with a father who lived in a gold tower that literally had their last name emblazoned on top of it, but I guess in some ways, she’s, uh, just like us? Trump was spotted at Starbucks in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Her order: a nonfat vanilla latte with no whipped cream.
Just when you think a person can’t get any more bland, they opt for skim milk and reject the fluffy cloud of whipped cream that’s the only thing that can redeem such a mediocre drink order.
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You’d at least hope for her to order something like the new Ombré Pink Drink, which would be pretty fitting if you consider how many items from her fashion line come in pink.
Today in "Life in DC": Ivanka Trump waiting for her non-fat vanilla latte w/o whipped cream at Dupont North Starbucks pic.twitter.com/sr3ByUKI01
— Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) June 7, 2017
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Instead, you get the nearly substanceless, beige mess that is a nonfat vanilla latte: sickly sweet vanilla syrup trying to mask the bitterness of the espresso, with only some watery skim milk to try to balance things out. Blech.
But hey, Trump actually went to Starbucks herself and didn’t make some poor intern hustle over there to get her latte for her, so I guess at least there’s that! Ivanka Trump: kinda, sorta, not really, but a little bit like us.
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