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Prince Harry-Shaped Gummies Now Exist


SheKnows Editorial

Prince Harryvisited a new Haribo candy factory in Castleford, West Yorkshire, England, on Friday, part of his official tour of the north of England, and experienced what I’ve decided is one of — if not the — best perk of royal life: Free bespoke candy.

Upon arrival at the candy factory, Haribo presented the prince with a special candy mix called Harry Mix featuring bags of gummies in the shape of the prince. I mean, who the hell cares about getting ponies and jewelry if you get custom-made candy?!

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The prince even donned a lab coat for his factory tour so he could touch the candy like a real professional. He was wearing the most bizarre-looking hair net/hard hat combo that I’ve ever seen. It basically looks like a food-safety fedora you’d see the staff wearing at a Jason Mraz-themed restaurant. But on the prince, it somehow just works.

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Sadly, the Harry Mix isn’t available to the public… yet. According to Herwig Vennekens, managing director of the new Haribo factory, the mix was created because “[i]t’s such a unique thing we could do to thank him for coming and spending time with employees. It was really worth the effort. He brought so many smiles to the faces of the staff.”

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Well, that’s sweet. But part of me is still hoping that someday when the prince is hard up for some off-the-record pocket change, he’ll put a bag or two of Harry’s Mix up on eBay for us commoners to fight over. BRB, setting up a Google alert!

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