By weight, a baby will eat more, drink more and even breathe more air than an adult. This means what you feed your baby (or child) has a much greater impact than it would have on you.
Organic choices
Most people would love to go “all organic” with their food choices. Who really wants the pesticides, hormones and preservatives in their food anyway? But going organic can be a pricey proposition. If
your family is like most, your budget cannot afford 100 percent organic, so why not consider buying organic for some foods. Here is some simple advice on prioritizing your organic food purchases:
1. Eat organic at the top of the food chain:
Purchasing organic dairy, egg and meat products is a great place to begin organic food purchases. Livestock eat pesticide-laden feed, are often dosed with antibiotics and hormones, and all of this
ends up in the package at the super market. Even though produce is often associated with organic food, many of the residues on these foods can be eliminated or greatly reduced by properly cleaning
and peeling them. There is no way to remove or reduce the contaminants in the meat, dairy and egg products.
2. Buying organic for produce with the highest levels of pesticides:
Pesticides levels vary in produce. Foods that take a long time to grow have higher pesticides levels. Foods that are high in sugar content tend to attract bugs and insects, and as a result, are
sprayed more frequently.The Environmental Workers Union analyzed a large number of foods and found that you can reduce risks of pesticide exposure by as much as 90 percent by avoiding the dirty dozen, or the top 12
produce items with the highest pesticide residues.
Most pesticides
The list of fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides includes:
- Apples
- Bell peppers
- Celery
- Cherries
- Grapes (imported)
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Pears
- Potatoes
- Red Raspberries
- Spinach
- Strawberries
Fewest pesticides
On the flip side, the list below includes fruits and veggies that have the lowest levels of pesticide residues:
- Asparagus
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Corn (sweet)
- Kiwi
- Mangos
- Onions
- Papayas
- Pineapples
- Peas (sweet)
3. Buying organic for children’s favorite foods:
Babies and toddlers are notorious for having some strange eating habits. Many tend to want to eat the same foods day in and day out — a perfectly normal development step for your child.
Choose the organic option of the foods that your children are eating the most.
4. Be flexible. Buy what is on sale:
Organic foods are like all other foods products, there are always specials on foods that are in season and there are always coupons. Keep your menu-planning flexible to take advantage of supermarket
deals and remember the savings from one coupon can often equal the price difference between organic and conventional.
5. Buy private label:
If you think your family budget can’t afford the prices at the fancy natural products stores, think again. Wild Oats, Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s all offer private-label brands of juices, soups,
sauces and other processed edibles.
6. Explore the bulk aisles:
If you thought the bulk bins are only for hard-core hippies, think again. Many common kitchen staples like pastas, cereals, nuts and spices are offered in the bulk section. The foods are in large
containers and are priced at a per pound rate. Bulk foods are more affordable than the pre-packaged foods. If you are intimidated by the bulk food aisle, ask for help. The people who work in the bulk
food section are extremely helpful and very willing to support new customers.
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