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If You Can Correctly Guess the New Pringles Flavor, You Can Win Some Cash

Who doesn’t love a good potato chip? They’re greasy, salty, crunchy and oh-so-addictive. They’re the perfect mid-day snack and a comforting, familiar indulgence after a bad day. While the latest incarnation of the snack food may look like the same old chip you know and love, you may want to look again because Pringles’ newest flavor is a mystery — and we cannot wait to figure it out.

This is not Pringles first “mystery flavor.” In 2018, the Kellogg Company launched several secret varieties in Canada, Australia and Japan. However, this is the first time a mystery can is being sold stateside. It is also the first time Americans will have the change to win cold, hard cash.

Correctly identifying the flavor could get you $10,000 buckaroos.

So how can you enter the contest? Well, locate your nearest Walgreens. Find and buy a container of Mystery Flavor Pringles. Open said container. Take a bite — or two or three. Snap a pic of your receipt. Upload the image to Kellogg’s website, and guess away.

C’mon. What do you have to lose?

You can also review the ingredients list for a few “hints” — which, according to Food & Wine, include cheddar cheese, buttermilk, onion powder, citric acid, and yeast extract — and scour Twitter to see others thoughts and ideas.

Several writers have also drafted up their unofficial taste tests and reviews.

As for the contest, foodies can submit one guess per receipt per day now through August 1. The flavor and winner will be revealed on August 18. So go forth, snack, guess and remember: these are the guys and gals who created Jalapeño Bacon, Jamaican Jerk and Thanksgiving Creamed Corn, so anything (and everything) goes.

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