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You Can Order Starbucks Drinks Based on the Characters from Friends — Here’s How

The characters on Friends and I have a lot in common, mainly that we spend so much time at the local coffee shop that most people we know question whether or not we have real jobs (um, duhhh, it’s called being a freelance writer). The cast of Friends took things to the next level though, with some of the most memorable moments on the show occuring at Central Perk, the coffee shop conveniently located on the first floor of the apartment building where all of them lived at one time or another. So it makes sense that a lot of rabid Friends fans are also rabid coffee fans, and those very fans have created a bunch of Friends-themed Starbucks secret menu drinks that we’re dying to get our hands on.

Now, these aren’t official Starbucks drinks, so you’ll need to memorize the recipes when you go to order. Expect a few strange looks and maybe an exasperated sigh or two, but who knows, maybe that hot barista you’ve had your eyes on (HI LIZ) is secretly a Friends fan too and this will be the spark that leads to her following you back on Instagram…or something.

First up: The Smelly Cat. This star of Phoebe’s (in)famous song is represented by a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino made with coconut milk, a splash of guava juice, and dragon fruit. It doesn’t sound smelly, but it does sound…weird!

Next up? The Joey, which is a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino with White Mocha, aka pretty basic but also very sweet.

How about The Phoebe, a coconut green tea latte, or The Rachel, a Skinny Caramel Macchiatto with an extra shot of espresso added?

And of course, if you want The Ross, all you have to do is ask for…a Flat White. LMAO.

You can see all of the suggestions at Totally the Bomb, and don’t be afraid to think up your own combinations!

Sure, ordering these won’t be the same without Gunther as your barista or Rachel as your terrible waiter, but we’ll do anything to feel even a fraction closer to the coziness of Central Perk and the gang again.

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