We’ve tried the Pink Drink, and we’ve chugged the Purple Drink. In fact, we were so obsessed with capturing the vibrant unicorn-esque hues of these Starbucks beverages when they were all the rage a few years ago that we probably lost a few Instagram followers with our constant posting. Hey, it’s not our fault that we can’t resist taking pics of tasty rainbow drinks to our feed whenever the chance presents itself! Well, our followers better get ready, because there’s a new secret Starbucks drink in town that’s just begging for an Insta feature: the sweet and peachy Orange Drink.
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The recipe was invented by the ingenious beverage aficionado’s at Totally the Bomb, who are also responsible for coming up with Starbucks drinks that represent every Friends character.
You Can Get An Orange Drink at Starbucks That Tastes Just Like A Gummy Peach Ring
Though the drink is orange, it doesn’t taste like the citrus fruit of the same name. The flavor was inspired by those two-toned, sugar-coated gummy peach rings you probably grew up snacking on at sleepovers (okay, and in the current day while binge-watching Law and Order SVU on the weekends).
Don’t expect your barista to know this one. You’ll need to tell them this recipe.
Ask for a Venti half-sweet Black tea Lemonade, add Peach Tea, add a splash of soy milk. It’s a lot more simple than some of the custom drinks we’ve seen created for Starbucks, and if you place a mobile order using the Starbucks app, it’s really easy to customize your beverage without confusing your barista and holding up the line.
The result is a drink that’s lightly sweet, refreshingly tangy, slightly creamy, and with enough caffeine to get your through the afternoon. Sip away the dog days of winter with the peachy goodness of the Starbucks orange drink.
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