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Mother’s Day low carb recipes

Mother’s Day is a mid-spring celebration, looking forward to summer. Flowers in full bloom make this the best time of year to honor Mom. However, if Mom is low carbing, you might want to be cautious and prepare her a special meal that will suit her low carb lifestyle so she stays on track. We have some ideas to help!

Mother’s Day history facts

Mother’s Day goes back to ancient Greeks who celebrated Rhea, the mother of the gods. The Romans picked up the holiday and celebrated it in spring.

Throughout Europe there were holidays celebrating female deities and in the Christian era, saints. The connection between mothers and spring seems natural, spring is a time when the earth brings
forth life and warms up just like mom!

Mothering Sunday was on the fourth Sunday of Lent in England, apprentices and servants went home to spend time with their mothers.

In America, Julia Ward Howe, who wrote the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” first suggested a day honoring mothers in 1870. In 1872, she wrote a declaration proclaiming a day for Mothers and Peace.
Unfortunately, it didn’t catch on.

Anna Jarvis wanted a day to celebrate the work of all mothers alive or dead for all the wonderful volunteer work and social causes mothers at the time engaged in.

She swore on her mother’s grave in 1905 to establish the holiday. She wrote letters to business leaders, women’s groups, clergymen and politicians. She also spoke out at rallies and churches. She
put together a coalition of women and church groups who lobbied both states and the federal governments.

In 1914, Mother’s Day was officially recognized as a national holiday. Americans and Canadians observe it on the second Sunday in May. Now this holiday is celebrated the world over. Ironically,
Anna Jarvis never had any children of her own to honor her.

Present mom a low carb Mother’s Day menu

Mother’s Day has always been an important day for my family.

As a child, every year on the day before Mother’s Day, my brother, sister and I would create a breakfast menu. Using decorative handwriting, we listed exotic dishes on cardboard. We woke our mother
up, right at dawn. She would smile and read the menu aloud, ordering her favorite things.

We’d rush around the kitchen to prepare the meal. The coffee was too strong or too weak and always cold. We burnt the toast and boiled the egg for 30 seconds.

The kitchen was a terrible mess. None of that mattered. Mom ate and drank everything. She always told us it was the best breakfast she ever had. She proudly displayed our menu on the mantel for

Here’s a morning repast fathers and children can prepare while Mom sleeps in. Children can help with all the dishes but they can prepare the Lemon Zest Cheese themselves. It certainly is healthier
and more appetizing than the breakfast my mother silently suffered through! You can add a few extras on the tray like spring water, decaffeinated coffee or tea, bacon, sausages and shrimp. Don’t
forget the cards and flowers!

low carb Mother’s Day recipes

Mushroom Omelet

Serves 1


1/3 cup medium mushrooms, chopped

1/8 cup green onion, chopped

1/2 cup tomato, chopped

3 eggs

1 tablespoon canola oil for frying

Salt and pepper to taste

Parsley for garnish


In a skillet, fry mushrooms and onion in oil until golden brown, then turn the heat to a low setting. Beat eggs with salt and pepper. Cook the eggs in a separate pan. When the omelet is starting to
brown on the bottom, add mushrooms, onion and tomato on one-half of the omelet. When the omelet is almost ready, flip the plain side of the omelet over the vegetable side. Garnish with parsley.

Per serving (1 omelet): 6g carbohydrates; 1g fiber; 20g protein; 15g fat (4g saturated); 252 calories

Lemon Zest Cheese

Makes 1 one-cup serving

This is such an easy recipe, even young children can make it!


1/2 cup cream cheese

1/2 cup 4 percent fat cottage cheese

2 packets Splenda

Zest of one lemon (about 3 teaspoons)


Mix all ingredients together and chill.

Per serving: 9g carbohydrates; 0g fiber; 17g protein; 34g fat (21g saturated); 412 calories

Greek Salad

Serves 1

This is a great recipe for the mom who works second or third shift!


1 cup spinach leaves, packed

1 teaspoon olive oil

1/2 cup feta cheese

2 tablespoons sliced black olives

1/2 cup cherry tomatoes


Wash spinach in a colander and shake off excess water. Place spinach leaves in the middle of a plate, sprinkle olive oil on top. Mix feta cheese and olives together and place on top of spinach.
Garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Per serving (one salad): 9g carbohydrates; 2g fiber; 12g protein; 23g fat; 279 calories

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