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How to keep your produce fresh

Everyone should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. But most of us end up throwing away some produce because it becomes spoiled before we eat it. Follow these steps to help keep your produce as fresh as possible.

Step 1: Shop smart

Buy only the produce that your family likes and will eat. There’s no use to stock up on the fresh cabbage that is on sale if everyone hates it. Consider whether you kids take fruit in their school
lunches or if you will use it in recipes. Keep in mind that many fresh fruits won’t store well for longer than a week (except apples). So shop accordingly.

Step 2: Buy from the farmers’ market

If possible, head to your local farmers’ market. The fruit and vegetables will be much very fresh (generally picked the same day). At some grocery stores, produce has been picked weeks before.

Step 3: Store it in the proper place

Berries, grapes, plums, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach all belong in the refrigerator, while apples, bananas, tomatoes, citrus fruits and many other fruits and veggies can be stored on
the countertop. Some fruits can ripen on the counter and then move to the refrigerator such as avocados, peaches and kiwi. Mushrooms and jicama should be stored in paper bags. Potatoes and onions
should be in cool, dry environment — not in your fridge.

Step 4: Separate the ethylene producers

Apples, cantaloupe, bananas, figs and others are ethylene gas producers are should be kept away from other fruits and vegetables to avoid spoilage.

Step 5: Use the crisper

Your refrigerators should have special drawers or crispers to keep your produce from spoiling. The Samsung 29 cu. ft. French Door refrigerator
has an external digital display and control, cool tight doors and the CoolSelect Pantry drawer to keep your food as fresh as possible.

For more tips on fresh produce, check this out:

Shopping tips for heart healthy foods

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