Hosting a New Year’s Eve party? That’s a lot of pressure — we’re with you. With so much on your mind, you just know you’re forgetting something, right? Relax for a moment and make a list. Your party-planning strategy will not only alleviate some unnecessary stress, it’ll guarantee you a successful bash. Just take our advice. Don’t forget to buy…
From streamers to confetti, decorating your place for the party is a given. You can go to party stores like Party City, or you can pick up New Year’s decorations right at the supermarket. A
Happy New Year Banner will add a nice touch, too. The decorations, no matter how gawdy and cheesy, will go a long way toward setting the mood of fun and craziness.
Booze and eats
Variety is key. You don’t know about people’s specific tastes and eating habits, so it’s all about choices. For your bar, have on hand one or two different kinds of wine — a
white and a red perhaps — and one or two types of liquor to mix with soda and/or juice. You might even serve beer, which means less cleanup (no wine and drink glasses). When it comes to food, bite
size is the only way to go. That way, people won’t be confined to a table in an awkward fashion. Have napkins and toothpicks on hand, and you’ll be golden.
Hats and horns
We might not be children anymore, but there’s nothing more fun than wearing hats and tooting horns when the clock strikes midnight! It never gets old, even when we do. Hand them
out 30 minutes or so before the ball drops to get everyone ready for the big moment.
Cups of coffee
After all the alcohol-drinking festivities, keep everyone at the party for desserts and coffee. Stop serving liquor and start serving your guests some java. That gives everyone a chance to
recuperate before hitting the road. The quiet, chit-chatting time will make for a nice, intimate after-party, too.
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