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Energy foods to help you survive Black Friday

Black Friday isn’t just a day to shop and get great deals anymore; it’s a high octane sport! Crowds gather at their favorite stores as early as midnight to run through the aisles, pushing a 20 pound cart full of toys, electronics and $1 socks. To fight the crowds this year, you need to stay energized. There’s nothing worse than missing this year’s hottest toy because you are stuck fueling up in the food court.

To stay energized and strong, follow these healthy eating tips to stay strong and awake this Friday!

Snack on high fiber foods

With more and more retailers across the country opening Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving night, you’ll need all the energy you can muster. The key to staying full and focused at 2 a.m. is to fill up on dietary fiber, which is found in whole wheat products and oatmeal. Fiber works to keep you fuller longer while giving you a healthy dose of energy so you won’t have to stop your shopping for a snack! Because fiber fills you up, you’ll also eat less. Now you’ll be able to wear those skinny jeans you bought on sale.

Eat your protein

Lucky for you, this should be easy since Black Friday immediately follows Thanksgiving. Eating protein, which is found in Thanksgiving turkey, builds lean muscle and, like fiber, keeps you full longer. If you are sick of turkey but need a protein boost before you battle the lines, make an omelet or have a piece of toast with peanut butter.

Drink water

Nothing will slow your shopping down faster than dehydration. Instead of fueling up on peppermint lattes, drink plenty of water throughout your day to keep headaches away and fight unnecessary snacking. If you plan on being out all day, bring a water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Try to get as many as 4 full bottles of water in throughout the day.

Snack to stay focused

Don’t waste your time or your hard earned shopping money on the high fat, low nutrient fare at the food court this year. Packing a few eat and go snacks like granola bars, trail mix or spiced nuts will keep you moving and energized as the tired crowds start to dissipate. Keeping hunger at bay will allow you to shop longer, thus, scoring even more deals!

Don’t make the mistake of going Black Friday shopping on an empty stomach. Stay full, focused and determined as you fight away deal hungry soccer moms in Christmas sweaters.

More about Black Friday

Finding the best deals on Black Friday
5 Ways to improve your Black Friday experience
Black Friday shopping tips

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