Once again it’s time to check your refrigerator and decide what you’re making for dinner this week. If you want to get your shopping out of the way so you have plenty of time to enjoy dinner with the family, here are five more dinner recipes to help you meal plan out the week ahead.
I like to plan ahead. It doesn’t matter if I’m having people over or running errands — if I don’t make a meal plan, I wind up forgetting something or having to go back to the grocery store 10 times for one dinner recipe. And since I just don’t have the time to go back and forth to the market, I try to make a meal plan before I leave the house.
Every Monday, my son and I go to the market to do the grocery shopping for the whole week. It takes about an hour, but I have everything I need so that when Friday night comes around, all I need to do is pull out the ingredients I bought earlier and make a delicious dinner without running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
I never used to plan meals because I rarely used to be home for dinner, but now that I’m home most nights to have dinner with the family, making a meal plan has saved my sanity. Give it a try next week. Who knows — maybe you’ll enjoy making dinner instead of loathing it.
Dinner This Week
Monday: Mushroom stuffed chicken
Tuesday:Chicken salad pizza
Wednesday:Rosemary chicken potato pizza
Thursday:Fettuccini and meatballs in a bourbon cream sauce
Friday: Fruit-stuffed pork loin
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