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Tastemakers campaign: U.S. business committed to “food done right”

Do you live in or near a “foodie” city? If you do, you might be lucky enough to have a local business in your community that’s made it as a Tastemaker.

Cheers to the Tastemakers!

“Food done right”

If you’re focused on finding good food options (think local, sustainable, organic, humane and unprocessed) for yourself and your family and interested in supporting local businesses that embrace those same principles, you might not always know where to look. Depending on where you live, the Tastemaker campaign can be a big help to find those sources.

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Talk about putting your money where your mouth is when it comes to the food we eat. That’s what the Tastemakers campaign is all about — spotlighting top U.S. businesses that are committed to providing their communities with “food done right” and working on social initiatives to help people make better food choices and improve America’s food system, as a whole.

Wondering about the benefits to choosing to eat “food done right”? It can mean supporting your local economy; helping to reduce diet-related diseases; teaching your children about where their food comes from; and helping to limit negative environmental impact by using fewer resources.

Learn to save money by buying sustainable foods >>

Tastemakers campaign

The Tastemakers campaign is part of a series developed by, the digital portion of Participant Media. Why is a media company involved in highlighting the good works and good food of local businesses? Because not only does the company make films and publish content about specific issues (in this case, food), but they want to bring that information to life to help educate and engage the public.

Check out the benefits of eating locally-grown food >>

Participant Media brought us the documentary, Food, Inc. in 2008, and continues to work on features and content “about the real issues that shape our lives.” According to Karina Kogan, general manager of TakePart, the company is “committed to continually highlighting the issues raised in our films and providing consumers with the most relevant and qualified actions they can take to make a difference.”

Who are the Tastemakers

What does it take to be a business worthy of the Tastemakers designation? One hundred shops from 10 U.S. markets were chosen by prominent food writers, including Dara Grumdahl, who is a James Beard award-winning journalist, and Providence Cicero, the Seattle Times’ restaurant critic. These shops were chosen based on their commitment to providing healthier options to the people in their communities. See if your city is on the list.

Standouts from the Tastemakers list include the following:

  • Boston area, Massachusetts — Wilson Farm: Open since 1884, this bustling farm has maintained its commitment to homegrown food with more than 150 crops on 600 acres. Its on-site grocery store has a resident “chef” who uses seasonal fruits and vegetables to make popular to-go quiches, soups and stews.
  • Los Angeles, California — Lindy & Grundy Local, Pastured and Organic Meats: Offering sustainably raised beef, lamb, pork, sausage, poultry and cheese as well as an on-site smoker, Lindy & Grundy is one of the coolest new additions to the city’s boutique butcheries.
  • San Francisco, California — The Fizzary: Capturing the old-time feeling of a community store, this new soda pop and candy store offers real cane-sugar alternatives in place of mass-market highly processed high-fructose corn syrup.

Learn it, live it

The series does more than just list 100 great food-based businesses: On Nov. 13, a web series will be launched to create holiday meals using ingredients from Los Angeles-based shops. Each episode focuses on a different business. And the finale? You’ll be able to follow along as a three-course holiday meal is prepared.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can become a Tastemaker in your own home and your own community, TakePart has resources to help you make an impact.

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