On average, Thanksgiving dinner typically consists of one side dish per person. That’s a lot of food! That being said, there’s no getting around all the fabulous leftovers that are certain to come.
Other than the famous turkey-stuffing-cranberry sandwich, which no one wants to eat for weeks on end, what else can be done with all these Thanksgiving leftovers? We’re here to share some of the best ideas and recipes that will make you excited for all the soon-to-be leftovers from Thanksgiving this year.
Donate it
Since Thanksgiving is a holiday of giving thanks and being grateful for what we have, consider donating the leftover food to those in need. According to a study by Feeding America, an astounding 49 million people in the U.S., or 1 in every 6, do not have enough to eat. Make a difference in someone’s life this holiday season by donating your leftovers to families in need.
Give it to your guests
Prepare in advance by purchasing large plastic bags and airtight containers (you can find these at your local dollar store or supermarket). Before everyone leaves, have them fill up a bag with Thanksgiving goodies. This lets everyone enjoy the leftovers, prevents the food from going to waste, and helps with the cleanup and food storage on your end.
Create new recipes
Instead of reheating the same meal night after night, consider venturing out and making some new dishes involving the same traditional foods. Try these unique leftover turkey recipes, including a turkey mole and a turkey artichoke salad. A turkey casserole is a great way to eat up stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and turkey in one. With cold weather finally upon us, whip up some delicious corn chowder with spiced turkey. This is perfect for chilly afternoons by the fire with the family!
Unique uses for leftovers
Make baby food
Consider pureeing Thanksgiving leftovers to make homemade food for your little one. Foods that work the best are sweet potatoes, turkey (feel free to mix this with the sweet potatoes), squash, pumpkin and green beans. Freeze in an ice cube tray and transfer to a freezer bag. Food will last about one month.
Have an eating contest
This one’s just for fun, but why not get the family, or at least the kids, together again for an all-out eating contest the day after Thanksgiving? Make everyone’s plate the same size with the same amount of food on each plate. Don’t forget about dessert! See who can eat their plateful the quickest, with the winner getting a special prize (preferably not another plate of leftovers!).
More Thanksgiving leftovers
Food safety tips for Thanksgiving leftovers
Turkey salad recipes
The best Thanksgiving leftover recipes
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