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Full-court press: Panini press sandwiches

Need a new game plan for your game-day sandwiches? A panini press can turn your everyday sandwiches into national champions in just a few minutes!

The Gourmet

You can’t beat the combination of Brie and fig. For the gourmet in us all, this is a National Championship grilled cheese sandwich! Don’t fret if any jam or cheese dribble down the sidelines — the flavor is only intensified by the carmelization on the grill!


  • 2 slices focaccia or crusty Italian bread
  • Brie
  • Fig jam


  1. Preheat a panini grill.
  2. Spread each slice of bread with fig jam. Layer bottom piece with Brie. Top with remaining piece, jam side down.
  3. Grill paninis three to five minutes in the preheated grill, or until focaccia bread is golden brown and cheese is melted.

The Early Riser

Tailgating starts early, and for a breakfast sandwich on the go, the Early Riser is a no brainer! Pack what you would put on your plate in between two slices of bread, and your breakfast is ready to get you to the game! For game day or any day, this breakfast sandwich is a sure-fire win!


  • 2 slices focaccia or crusty Italian bread
  • 2 slices cheddar cheese
  • 3 cooked sausage patties
  • 2 scrambled eggs


  1. Preheat panini grill.
  2. Place a slice of cheese one slice of bread. Layer one piece with cooked sausage patties and scrambled eggs. Top with remaining piece of cheese and remaining piece of bread.
  3. Grill paninis three to five minutes in the preheated grill, or until focaccia bread is golden brown and cheese is melted.

The Turkey Sports Club

Easily the most adaptable sandwich on this menu, the Turkey Sports Club is a fresh take on an old favorite. Replacing the mayonnaise with French-onion-dip spread adds just a little something extra!


  • 2 slices focaccia or crusty Italian bread
  • 2 slices Swiss cheese
  • 6 slices turkey
  • French onion dip
  • 2 slices tomato
  • 2 slices bacon


  1. Preheat panini grill.
  2. Slather each piece of bread with a bit of French onion dip.
  3. Place a slice of cheese on one slice of bread. Layer with turkey, bacon and tomato. Top with remaining piece of cheese and remaining piece of bread.
  4. Grill paninis three to five minutes in the preheated grill, or until focaccia bread is golden brown and cheese is melted.

The Wing Man

It isn’t game day without buffalo wings! Take this staple treat and make a meal of it!


  • 2 slices focaccia or crusty Italian bread
  • 4 boneless buffalo chicken wings, sliced
  • 2 slices cheddar cheese
  • 2 tablespoons ranch dressing


  1. Preheat panini grill.
  2. Place a slice of cheese on one slice of bread. Layer with sliced boneless buffalo chicken wings. Drizzle with ranch dressing. Top with remaining piece of cheese and remaining piece of bread.
  3. Grill paninis three to five minutes in the preheated grill, or until focaccia bread is golden brown and cheese is melted.

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