Business Week is reporting that everyone’s favorite power vegan and long shot for President, Dennis Kucinich says he plans to write a book about his transition from being an omnivore to becoming vegan. The book will be called “The Cleveland Diet” and will be co-authored by his wife Elizabeth.
Business Week is reporting that everyone’s favorite power vegan and long shot for President, Dennis Kucinich says he plans to write a book about his transition from being an omnivore to becoming vegan. The book will be called “The Cleveland Diet” and will be co-authored by his wife Elizabeth.
Kucinich says that he went vegan 15 years ago to try to impress a woman, and has stayed true to it ever since. He advocates for animal rights issues whenever he can in Congress, his policy approach encourages independent family-owned farms as an alternative to the factory farm industry.
I’m looking forward to reading this book, Representative Kucinich spoke to a class I was taking my Junior year of college and gave one of the most inspiring talks I ever heard, so I’m sure his book will be nothing short of excellent. As an example here’s an old video of Kucinich talking about his vegan diet and why thinking critically about the food choices presented to us is important.
The same Business Week article notes that although just as early as six years ago Kucinich was one of the lone power vegans, but now he is joined by major players like former President Bill Clinton, record producer Russel Simmons, Mike Tyson, Ford Executive Chairman of the Board Bill Ford, ad Twitter co-founder Biz Stone who actually made the conversion while visiting Farm Sanctuary.
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