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Meat Alternatives: Go meatless, part I

Going  “Beyond The Bun” with Meat Alternatives

I’ll be one of the first to admit that I miss the taste and texture of meat, I’m definitely not someone who went vegetarian because he thought meat was “gross.”

That said many of the options for vegetarian meat are lacking, usually you’re confined to things that are only good as a sandwich of sorts, the texture was OK but never quite perfect, and to make matters worse, lots of companies would needlessly put eggs into their veggie burgers out of spite for vegans.
Going  “Beyond The Bun” with Meat Alternatives

I’ll be one of the first to admit that I miss the taste and texture of meat, I’m definitely not someone who went vegetarian because he thought meat was “gross.”

That said many of the options for vegetarian meat are lacking, usually you’re confined to things that are only good as a sandwich of sorts, the texture was OK but never quite perfect, and to make matters worse, lots of companies would needlessly put eggs into their veggie burgers out of spite for vegans.

Along came Gardein, a company that made vegetarian meat that was nutritious, 100% vegan, and had a taste and texture that very closely resembled real meat.  I shot the company some questions and they were more than happy to answer.

Can you tell me a little bit about the founding of Gardein?

gardein™ was founded by chef and entrepreneur Yves Potvin. Yves’ believed the meat-alternatives category was stuck “between the bun” – you know hot dogs and hamburgers. gardein™ is “beyond the bun” meaning meat-free, plant-based foods perfect for the center of the plate. Made from a savory blend of vegetables, grains and plant-based proteins including pea, wheat and soy, gardein™ is free of cholesterol and trans fats and the majority of products provide a good source of fiber and are low in fat too.

gardein™ is the combination of the words “garden and protein.” It reinforces that good things come from the ground. We often say “where goodness grows”!

One of the things that I really like about Gardein is how a lot of the products are almost dead on in similarity to the real thing.

What does gardein do to set its products out from the rest of the meat alternatives on the market?

Two things: the taste and the texture. People love gardein™! It’s easy to cook with, it’s convenient and it’s good for you. In the past, people were disappointed with meat-free alternatives, the taste didn’t stack up and the texture was not anywhere close to meat.   With gardein™, people don’t feel like they are giving anything up to make this positive move for themselves, their family and the planet. We are also very fortunate to have our foods featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” – both shows bring a lot of positive awareness to eating better (and helping to take care of the planet) and including plant-based foods like ours into your diet. Additionally, hundreds of consumers have blogged about how much they love gardein™.

MORE ON VEGETARIAN MEAT: Try these delicious meat-free vegan Thanksgiving recipes >>

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