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5 Healthiest (and sexiest) vegan Valentine’s Day foods

Though Valentine’s Day has long been known as the holiday wildly celebrated with giant boxes of chocolates and candy hearts, the Day of Love is inherently one of the healthiest holidays. That is, if you decide to reach for vegan aphrodisiac foods and leave the candy at the door. Here are five of the healthiest — and sexiest — vegan Valentine’s Day foods.
Though Valentine’s Day has long been known as the holiday wildly celebrated with giant boxes of chocolates and candy hearts, the Day of Love is inherently one of the healthiest holidays. That is, if you decide to reach for vegan aphrodisiac foods and leave the candy at the door. Here are five of the healthiest — and sexiest — vegan Valentine’s Day foods.

5 Healthiest vegan Valentine’s Day foods

1. Raspberries

Chocolate dipped strawberries may be the rage on Valentine’s Day, but sensuous, juicy raspberries (which are rarely dipped), are not only low in calories, they are also a tasty source of manganese, vitamin C, and fiber. Nibble these antioxidant-rich red-hued gems as dessert and pass on the flourless chocolate torte.

2. Almonds

A symbol of fertility and a nutty source of protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, almonds can be tossed in a salad, ground into a flour for a sexy dessert, or fed to your lover with small bites of the darkest (healthiest) vegan chocolate you can find.

>>Yum! Almond recipes

3. Hummus

Perhaps not the first vegan Valentine’s Day food that comes to mind, but hummus — or more specifically chickpeas — have been used for centuries to enhance sexual prowess. High in fiber and protein among other vitamins and minerals, hummus is a heart-healthy vegan meal that can also reduce your risk of cancer, diabetes and weight gain. For the ultimate vegan Valentine’s Day experience, feed eachother hummus using only your fingers.

>>Did you know hummus is also a vegan fitness food?

4. Dried plums

Legend has it that Eros dipped his arrows in prune juice before aiming for his targets of love. Dried plums, better known as prunes, are loaded with antioxidants and potassium and a great source of fiber, making these succulent fruits a heart-healthy, cancer-fighting nibble. Add dried plums to your vegan Valentine’s Day dinner or dessert or make them a yummy part of your romantic “morning after” breakfast in bed.

>>Eat prunes to bone up on calcium

5. Avocado

A luscious green-fleshed fruit, avocados are ripe with heart-healthy fats and fiber. Shaped like a womb yet also born from what the Aztecs called the “testicle tree”, the avocado has long been considered an erotic fruit. Dice it into a salad, garnish a plate with avocado slices, or puree it with olive oil and herbs for a delectable vegan sauce.

What’s your favorite vegan Valentine’s Day food? Tell us below!

More tips and recipes for a romantic vegan Valentine’s Day

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