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3 Fitness apps for spring

If your workouts are evoking more yawns than sweat, it’s time to recharge your fitness routine. If technology turns your crank, then these three fitness apps may be just what you need to get and stay in shape for spring.
If your workouts are evoking more yawns than sweat, it’s time to recharge your fitness routine. If technology turns your crank, then these three fitness apps may be just what you need to get and stay in shape for spring.

1. iHeartRate ($2.99)

One way to maintain your exercise motivation is to tune in to your heart rate and gear your workouts to stay in your targe heart rate range. The fitness app iHeartRate measures your resting heart rate and your training heart rates, so you get more out of your workouts.

2. Tap & Track ($3.99)

Maybe your exercise motivation is waning because your eating habits are countering your weight loss and fitness efforts. The Tap & Track fitness app is a calorie, weight and exercise tracker for the iPhone and iPod Touch that calculates your basal metabolic needs based on your gender, age, weight, height and activity, then lets you set your diet and fitness goals, records your food and calories, tracks calories burned through exercise, and provides user-friendly graphs and reports.

3. Pocket Yoga ($2.99)

If you’re burned out on hardcore fitness and feel like throwing in the workout towel, try a less intense but highly effective approach to staying fit. Pocket Yoga is a fitness app that lets you strike a pose at your own pace and schedule in the comfort of your own home or anywhere else your smartphone will take you. You can choose among three different practices, three difficulty levels and three durations, for a total of 27 different yoga sessions.

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