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5 Earth Day tips to connect with nature

What are you doing for Earth Day this year ? Being kind to the Earth encompasses many things, including a veganlifestyle, growing and buying organics, and advocating for animals rights. One of the best ways to appreciate the Earth is by connecting with nature. We talked with Jay Holcomb, director emeritus of International Bird Rescue, about how families can become more involved with nature. Here are five of his top tips and information about his involvement with the newly lauched Junior Wildlife Champions program.
What are you doing for Earth Day this year ? Being kind to the Earth encompasses many things, including a vegan lifestyle, growing and buying organics, and advocating for animals rights. One of the best ways to appreciate the Earth is by connecting with nature. We talked with Jay Holcomb, director emeritus of International Bird Rescue, about how families can become more involved with nature. Here are five of his top tips and information about his involvement with the newly lauched Junior Wildlife Champions program.

Junior Wildlife Champions

The Junior Wildlife Champions program is a program dedicated to help educate future generations on the importance of saving wildlife. It is part of Dawn’s Helps Save Wildlife Platform. For more than 30 years, Procter & Gamble’s Dawn brand has been helping save oiled birds and marine wildlife from both natural and man-made disasters.  The Junior Wildlife Champions education and activity program asks teachers and parents to help Dawn engage one million elementary school-aged children between now and the beginning of the 2011-12 school year, teaching them the value of wildlife and the importance of conservation. You can learn more at, where you will find free lesson plans for the Junior Wildlife Champions program.

Holcomb says, “All animals, all nature, and all people have a right to life. The Junior Wildlife Champions curriculum teaches the value of life and our responsibility for it. We’ve focused on kids because they are the most open-minded and can make a difference in the future.”

5 Ways families can connect with nature

Here are Holcomb’s five suggestions for families to appreciate nature.

1. Appreciate your local nature sights

Localize learning about where you live and find out what natural beauty your state or town has to offer (i.e. learning more about the National Cherry Blossom Festival if you’re from Washington, D.C.)

2. Go on family field trips

Plan family field trips as “mini  day vacations” to state parks, lakes, nature trails, or other outdoor sights.

3. Exercise outside

Increase your family’s awareness of the great outdoors by walking and biking more and driving less.

4. Use tech for nature’s sake

Use technology, such as television and Internet, to learn more about nature topics that interest you and your family.

5. Create a family action plan

After completing all three of Dawn’s free Junior Wildlife Champions lessons and then create a family action plan to help wildlife in your own community.

More vegan lifestyle tips!

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