Pizza is indisputably one of the greatest joys in life. That’s probably why when it goes bad, it’s downright terrifying. These dark tales of pizza fails may haunt you, but don’t let them get you down. For every one pizza fail out there, there are hundreds of definite wins.
Just can’t slice it
This pizza was just a little too hardcore for your everyday pizza cutter.
All burnt up
There’s rough around the edges, and then there’s this hot mess of a pizza.
All or nothing
Proof that sometimes you can’t have it all.
Professional failure
I guess sometimes what happens at work stays at work.
Phoning it in
Sometimes just getting delivery makes a lot of sense.
Gluten-free failure
It’s sad when restaurants perpetuate the myth that gluten-free foods are terrible, but I mean… look at that crust. Sad face!
The bottom drops out
I always was suspicious of the instructions to put the pizza directly on the rack.
The forgotten pie
The only thing harder than waiting for your pizza to cook is actually remembering when you put it in the oven.
Fall through the cracks
Consider this a PSA: Place your pizza on the rack at your own risk.
Seriously, stop!
Right on the rack? I don’t think so!
How even?
Is it pizza dough or a fluffy meringue? I literally cannot tell.
Just say no
Not that you needed one, but here’s a reminder of why you shouldn’t cook under the influence.
Ring of fire
This is why you should always set a timer when you cook.
Fail before you start
Sometimes the fail happens before the pizza even makes it to the oven.
Pizza problems
In the words of Ahnold: It’s not a toomah!
Shut up and cook
Proof that cellphones and pizza stones just don’t mix.
Delivery disaster
The pizza or the probable car accident — which one should I be more worried about right now?
I think all of us, including this chef, can be thankful that the #Calzonetastrophy hashtag doesn’t get much use. Even one is one too many.
Fall from grace
Is there anything worse than trying to succeed only to fall that much further when you fail?
Only yourself to blame
Sometimes you have to admit you’ve made a huge mistake.
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