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Cozy Fireside Recipes Perfect for Fall Camping

There is nothing — we repeat, nothing — like the morning you wake up and realize fall weather has arrived. The air has a bit of bite to it. It smells… crisp. And, as your senses process these autumnal changes, you know the wait is over. Before Starbucks can even break out their special fall flavors, you’ve broken out your camping gear. It’s time for fall camping and, even better, fireside food.

But let’s be real, this has been one of those years, hasn’t it? Now, more than ever, you’re probably ready to cozy up by a roaring fire and let its crackles drown out the noise from the rest of the world. If that doesn’t call for comfort food, we don’t know what does.

So, pull up a folding chair, because we rounded up some recipes heavy on fall flavors and comfort. Prepare for a season of feeling full and smelling like a campfire.

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