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14 Cheeseburger Recipes That Don’t Come in a Bun

ICYMI, September 18th is a day to be celebrated. Why? We’re glad you asked — it’s National Cheeseburger Day! As in, yes, it’s a thing and, if you haven’t been cheers’ing your friends and family with cheeseburgers on this special day, you’re missing out.

There are many reasons to know and revel in this date aside from simply rejoicing that such a day exists. Like, for instance, the fact that some restaurants serve up free burgers on National Cheeseburger Day. Or how about the fact that this annual celebration began in 1926 with a 16-year-old boy flipping burgers? As you may have guessed, it was on that date the kid — a California teen by the name of Lionel Sternberger — had the bright idea to top a classic patty with cheese.

Naturally, you probably already know how to make a cheeseburger. But because this date deserves to be toasted (food puns for life!) in its full glory, we gathered some of the tastiest cheeseburger recipes out there… that don’t come in a bun.

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