Summer is all about outdoor cooking, but a lot of people are intimidated by the grill. But what you should realize is that grill fails happen to even the best cooks — there’s no harm in trying, and odds are that your food will come out better than any of these sad meals.
Burger blast
These burgers may be burnt, but I bet they’re still better than anything cooked indoors.
We’re on fire
Sometimes when people say “this meal is on fire!” they mean it literally.
Char-grilled sausage
Less grilled, more charred, definitely inedible.
Playing peekaboo with a burger is just a part of summer grilling.
Zombie chicken
This chicken is beyond well done. In fact, it looks more like something from beyond the grave!
Better get takeout
Sometimes you try to use the grill. And sometimes you just end up ordering takeout.
The lost chicken
He may not have had the chance to cross the road, but this chicken eluded the chef at the last second.
Black sausage
These are so burnt they could almost pass for blood sausage. But honestly, which is more appealing?
Crispy chicken
It looks like someone misunderstood the request to make “crispy chicken” for dinner.
Shrunk in love
This shriveled sausage is the black sheep of its family.
Totally smokin’
When the grilling starts like this, it’s hard to be optimistic about the meal to follow.
All burned up
This hunk of beef got a little too hot for its own good.
Eat through the pain
By other peoples’ standards, it may be ruined, but a true griller won’t give up on their masterpiece.
Baking bread
It looks like this poor bread got caught in the cross fire of a culinary battle it just didn’t understand.
Children of the corn
The only thing cornier than Dad’s jokes are the blackened husks he left on the grill for, like, five hours… again.
Burnt bits
The burnt bits are usually the best part — when they actually stay on the burger, that is.
Blackened chicken
It looks like someone took their Cajun cooking a little too far.
Too much char
There’s nicely charred, and then there’s taking char too far.
It’s not a slow cooker
That awkward moment when you realize your grill cooks things a little faster than your slow cooker does.
The chicken that wasn’t
We were going to have chicken for dinner, but…
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