Who knew Taco Tuesday could go so wrong? But who are we kidding? We’d still eat most of these.
Bad on bad
A split tortilla and the omission of beef took this Jack in the Box taco from bad to worse.
Hearts on fire
Good thing this taco chef knew that baking soda would put out this tortilla fire.
Let it burn
Hopefully this taco FAIL won’t turn into a full-blown lawn fire.
Taco drop
The only thing sadder than ice cream falling from its cone is dropping your tacos right on the ground.
Fired up
Don’t get burned by your desire to make tacos under the broiler.
Another one bites the dust
When broken glass gets into your fallen taco, you can’t even play by the five-second rule.
Rest in pieces
My heart goes out to the diner whose taco slipped from their hands.
Grilled tacos
It turns out heating taco shells on the grill isn’t the best idea.
I’m pretty sure the filling is supposed to go inside the shell, not next to it.
How the mighty are fallen
Let’s all bow our heads and remember these tacos as they were before they fell from their plate.
Burnin’ down the house
Tacos seem pretty easy to make, but turn your back for one second, and you’re in big trouble.
Taco spikes
Toothpicks are only a tortilla-folding solution if you’re OK with the inevitable mouth stabs.
Black and blue
Nothing is sadder than having taco night ruined by a feisty oven.
Choking hazard
Forget mystery meat — the real taco FAIL is this weird piece of plastic someone found in their food.
Burn it up
No one likes a taco shell that’s both burned and broken.
Taco pants
If you don’t have your tortilla-folding technique down, your taco is going to bite back.
Taco salad
When life gives you crushed taco shells, you have no choice but to make taco salad.
A story of redemption
Proof that you should still have hope even after a serious taco FAIL.
Fit for dogs
When your taco is so bad you feed it to your dogs, you know it was a FAIL.
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