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5 Foods to Always Buy Organic (and 4 Foods Not To)

What you choose to eat (or not eat) might seem like a minor decision in the moment, but in the long run, it adds up to have a major impact on your health. That’s why it’s important to get in the habit of reading labels and making wise choices — not just in terms of foods, but in terms of how those foods were grown and produced.

“Organic” means that a food is grown without any pesticides, hormones, synthetic fertilizers or genetically modified organisms. When it comes to animal products like meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products, organic means that those animals didn’t consume any antibiotics or growth hormones — hence why organic products tend to be a bit pricier than nonorganic ones.

The Environmental Working Group performs pesticide tests on foods and turns out the Dirty Dozen list (foods that have the most pesticides) and Clean Fifteen list (which have the least pesticides). For a quick-and-dirty guide to which foods you should buy organic (“Yes”) and what items you can afford not to (“No”), check out our list ahead.

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