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Welcome home ideas

When your partner has been away, doing something to signify how much you missed them is always an appreciated gesture.

It especially helps to reconnect with each other and get back into sync. What you do will depend on what kind of person your partner is and the conditions in which they are returning. For example, if they are coming home after an extensive drive or a long plane flight, they aren’t going to be very receptive to a long, romantic evening. That doesn’t mean, however, that they wouldn’t appreciate a little TLC on their return. To help get you started use the romantic welcome home ideas below for inspiration.

Treasure Hunt Return

Setting up a love hunt for your partner to discover is a fun and quick way to welcome your partner home. You can make it as easy or extensive as you like, so it makes a great last minute idea as well. Here are a few examples from other readers”

“One night my husband went out to run some errands and I stayed home. While waiting for his return, I was trying to think of something sweet to do for him. I decided to give him a nice, romantic welcome home. I made it so that when he walked through the door there was a note hanging from the ceiling that said, “I love you…” Then, another note after it saying, “Because you are…” Then, a bunch more leading down the hall way that said, “handsome, cute, loving,” and so forth. The notes led him all the way to the bedroom and there lay a note on the pillow saying “You are”sexy!” He loved it.” -submitted by Regina

“My boyfriend had been away for a week and I really wanted him to know how much I missed him. I found a few quotes about love and wrote them on little pieces of paper. I laid them on the stairs leading to the bedroom. I also got those little tea light candles and lit one in front of each quote. He called when he was just about home, so I turned off all the lights. Not only did my surprise lead to the bedroom, but also to a night I’ll never forget.” –submitted by Anonymous

Quiet Time Together

After a long separation you may want to have some intimate quiet time before you get inundated with family and kids. Telling everyone that your partner will be back a day after he actually arrives will afford you this precious time. When they get back you can go out for dinner or share a night at a hotel to reconnect privately. If you aren’t able to reserve an entire day for yourselves, take advantage of the time you do have. If you only have the ride home, rent a limo and have the chauffeur waiting for your partner. You should be waiting in the limo with flowers and champagne. If you only have a few hours at home, plan to share a romantic bath or massage. Here’s another idea from one reader”

“When my husband came home from Korea I planned a nice quite romantic afternoon with him. After he got off the plane we went on a picnic and just talked, which was very important in reconnecting. Then that night we got a hotel room and took care of the other reconnecting…” -submitted by Abunn


Nearly every welcome home event is a surprise for the intended person. However, a very well planned idea can be something quite memorable, even if it isn’t a grand gesture like having everyone of their family and friends meet them at the airport. Here are a few ideas from other readers”

“My husband and I were married a month and a day before he had to leave for a 6 month deployment. When he came home, I went to pick him up while my mom set up our hotel room. I bought candles, rose petals, a welcome home sign, balloons, and a few massage oils for the nights ahead. I picked him up from the base, and then we went out to dinner with his father and step-mother. After a long day of flying and all the running around we had to do, it was time to get some rest. We got the key for the hotel at the front desk and went upstairs. I’ve never seen him so surprised. I had a 12-pack of beer for him and a whole night of us. He loved it. He hadn’t had a beer in a few months and was SO excited about that, to say the least!” –submitted by Shannon

“I had only been with my boyfriend for one month, but it was love at first sight. I had to go away for 4 days and my boyfriend told me that there would be a surprise waiting for me when I got home. When I got home, I opened my bedroom door and there was a huge red heart made out of rose petals and outlined in leaves. Within the heart he had spelled out “Welcome Home” with the leaves. It was so cute and now no other gift seems sufficient.” –submitted by Bekah

“I was dating this amazing girl for about 3 weeks. She was leaving for a 5-day cruise, so we wouldn’t be able to see each other. We talked through e-mail during her trip about all sorts of things. I wanted to do something special for her when she returned home. I wrote a hand-written letter welcoming her home. I put it in a 6×9 clasp envelope and printed “Welcome Home!” on the envelope. I also bought a rose and a little vase. I called her roommate and asked if I could come over to set up the surprise. I put everything on the table next to her bed. I got a call later and it was her, asking me to come over. I thought she had discovered it, but I was wrong. By the time I got there, she HAD discovered it. She said it was the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for her.” –submitted by Michael

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