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Love resolutions to start the New Year right

New Year, new resolutions. Now that 2012 is officially here and we’re getting into that New Year groove, it’s time to make some resolutions where your man is concerned. We want you to make this year your best yet, and we’ve got some simple (yet effective) love tips to get things going.

Don’t take your love for granted

When we’ve known someone for a while, it’s easy to start to take them for granted. We start to blow off plans, thinking our guy will always forgive us; we start to just assume he’ll do that favor for us. You know what we’re talking about. But your man isn’t just a constant fixture in your life that will never change; he’s a human being with feelings and needs, so start to think of him that way. Learn to appreciate your love and the bond you share more by showing him you care in little ways. Send him a sweet text to tell him you appreciate him; bring him coffee out of the blue one day; do anything you can to reignite that spark you once felt.

Make more time for each other

Life is busy; there’s no doubt about it, but we often use the word busy as an excuse. It’s our firm opinion that no one is ever truly too “busy” to make time for those most important to them, so resolve to make more time for your honey this year. You’d feel annoyed and neglected if your sweetie neglected you too often for work or friends, so make an effort to treat your love correctly. Bring your honey to the gym with you for the perfect bonding/multitasking time or carve out 20 minutes every morning to share breakfast together. Whatever you do, just make a little effort to increase the one on one time you spend together.

Love like new

If you feel like you’re just automatically going through the motions with your man and really don’t feel that excitement you once felt, it’s time to spice things up a bit! Love your honey like new this year and make things feel more exciting for the both of you. Dream up some out of the box date night ideas, talk about topics you’ve never broached before and get to know his family and friends a bit more. Doing so will help you feel closer than ever and will prevent any relationship ruts.

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