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Facebook: Beware of stalkers!

Facebook stalking is real. Learn how to protect yourself.

If you think of a man adorned in black outside your window with binoculars when hear the word “stalking” then you obviously don’t have a Facebook account…or at least don’t use it to stalk people. It’s extremely easy for someone to find out everything they need to including where you are and who you’re with.

Now, with social media being so prevalent and the online world at everyone’s fingertips, it’s important for those actively dating to be extremely cognizant of what it is they’re putting out there. Foursquare, for example, while awesome in itself, can let stalkers know where you are and potentially who you’re with — so it’s a bit dangerous in that respect. This isn’t that kind of article, though.

To help you from becoming a victim of Facebook stalking, customize your profile privacy! Straight from your ‘privacy settings’ tab on your homepage, you can toggle around with who can see what. You can control how people find you to friend you, if people can tag you in a post, what happens on your wall, past post visibility, who can see your photos and more. Since Facebook was under a lot of scrutiny for their privacy issues, Zuckerberg & Co. have gone to great extents to update their privacy settings with a ton of options. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t visit the tab and rummage through it.

Moreover, if you’re a dating harlot like I used to be, stay aware of the content you’re putting in your Facebook status updates. If you went out to dinner with Tommy last night and hit it off, but tonight you’re going out to dinner with Johnny and let Facebook know about it, a) Tommy might see that update if you’re already friends with him, or b) Tommy’s friend who is also your friend could see the update and let Tommy know, thereby making Tommy upset and quite possibly never want to take you out again. (Unless, of course, you wanted Tommy to be jealous in the first place.) I mean, there’s a lot to follow here!

I would love to hear about any Facebook stalking stories you might have to share!

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