We live in a modern world, but when it comes to our relationships, we think it’s important to keep a few of the traditional rules. Here’s why.
Don’t get us wrong — we like some of the modern rules of relationships, such as women earning an income and working their way up in the corporate world, sharing household chores and duties and raising kids together, but we also think some of the more traditional rules should be of importance, too. Let’s take a look at what these old-fashioned relationship rules are, plus hear from experts on why they’re still prevalent in today’s modern world.
Old-fashioned relationship rules that should stay
- Let the men do the chasing. Men love the thrill of the catch and women love to be pursued. Stef Safran, owner of Chicago-based dating site Stef and the City, stresses the importance of men doing the chasing. “Similar to Dancing with the Stars, there is always a lead and a follower. Maintaining old-fashioned relationship rules where the man leads and the woman follows helps give the relationship direction and plays on the personal interaction and attraction,” she states.
- The men should pay for the first date. Ladies, if a man doesn’t offer to pay on the first date, run — fast! That being said, don’t expect the man to pay for every single date thereafter. Times have changed, and it’s OK for you to pick up the tab every now and then.
- Don’t have sex on the first date. Relationship expert April Masini of Ask April states, “Men, for the most part, want to feel that you’re someone they have to earn. They want someone they feel they can respect and who will keep them in check this way.” It’s important to get to know the guy as a friend first instead of diving straight into sex. Sex confuses things and messes with your emotions.
- Men should open the door — always. Manners were much more prevalent a few decades ago, but that doesn’t mean the man should no longer open doors for his lady. Whether you’re on a first date or you’ve been married a few years, your man should be opening doors for you. It’s polite and shows he respects and cherishes you.
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Why are these rules still relevant today?
Simply put — because they work! Times may have changed, but the nature of men and women has not.
…And a few rules we can say ‘bye-bye’ to
- You should only call or talk face to face. Face-to-face communication and phone calls are important, but texting every now and then is perfectly fine, too. As long as the relationship isn’t strictly with your phone, there’s no harm in skipping the nightly phone call and sending a quick text ‘goodnight’ to the man you’re dating.
- You can only date someone of your ethnicity/religion. This is a thing of the past and we’re glad it’s gone! Interracial couples have increased a whopping 28 percent since the year 2000 and are only continuing to rise.
- Women are the homemakers. More and more women are either choosing to stay in the workplace after having kids or must keep working for financial reasons. However you look at it, the roles are changing. Women are no longer expected to stay home maintaining the house and raising kids. For a lot of families, it’s 50/50 — both partners work, both maintain the home and both have equal parts in raising their children. And hey — that works, too!
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