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Youthing: How to reverse aging

Ever wanted to reverse the clock on aging? Who hasn’t? Here are some simple steps to follow to help recover some of your youthful looks and energy. Try it!

Youthing, or helping reverse the aging process, has been around for centuries, ever since tribes in parts of Africa performed a seasonal ceremony they believed would help to restore their youth and vigor.

In more modern times, in the U.S., homeopathic physician and author Gabriel Cousens coined the term after discovering that “aging occurs when we have more cells die than are being created,” he says. “Youthing happens when more new cells are produced than are dying.” Cousens advocates juice fasting and other methods such as a restricted calorie diet, based on studies published by the National Science Foundation.

Another pioneer of the youthing process, Viktoras Kulvinskas, is internationally known as the father of the raw foods movement. Besides raw foods, he also promotes live enzymes as sources of health and youth.

Dr. George Cromack, a chiropractor, personal trainer and author of Aging Well: A Guide to Rejuvenation and Longevity, says, “It’s not just for those who want to eat a raw foods diet. My approach is about more than just diet. With multi-pronged strategies, you can get a better full-bodied and more complete result.”

What can you do on your own and at home?



The experts say watch your thoughts and actions for signs of growing old before your time. There are a lot of “older”‘ people whose metabolic age is much younger than those who are chronologically younger.



Almost all of those surveyed said natural foods work best to bring about cellular repair and regeneration. Eat high-quality, locally grown, organic foods. Try to make 70 to 80 percent of your diet raw foods. If you can’t incorporate that much, Kulvinskas suggests that you take digestive enzymes with cooked food.



Exercise helps prevent disease, improves stamina, strengthens and tones, enhances flexibility, controls weight, supports a healthier sex drive, a clearer mind and emotions, and improves quality of life. Qigong, a Chinese practice that focuses on balance and alignment, is of special significance for those who want to do youthing, according to martial arts practitioner and natural life scientist Peter Ragnar. “The practice of qigong has been proven to dramatically improve glandular health and balance hormone production. Hormonal balance requires informational feedback from the brain’s neurotransmitters. Interestingly, science has just discovered what qigong masters have long been saying — that the gut… also transmits this information, and manufactures the sleep hormone melatonin.”


Stress accelerates aging

In order to help counteract stress, practice meditation. Youthing advocates also suggest getting at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. Spend at least 20 to 30 minutes outdoors each day, preferably playing or engaging in an enjoyable form of recreation. And drink a daily dose of least three 8-ounce glasses of pure, filtered water.


Live your passion

If you can’t pursue your calling through paid work, find other ways to bring your creative gifts to the world. Dancing, painting, gardening, helping others — whatever it is, find the way to experience your passion. And when you stop paid work, never stop offering your gifts to others. When you are sharing your passion it is no longer “work,” it is pleasure and fulfillment.


Rejuvenation and cleansing

There are several ways to do a cleanse, but the goal is to cleanse the colon. Do a short (five-day) cleanse composed of green smoothies, raw-food salads, steamed vegetables and raw juices.

Overall, people who promote youthing want you to return to a healthier, happier (and yes, younger) self. “Say to yourself: Every day in every way, I’m getting younger. Enjoy life — if you’re not enjoying, you’re not being you. Have a passionate life!” Kulvinskas says.

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