with a purpose
Andra USB Android Robot charger
Get tech-savvy in your support of breast cancer research! Purchase Andra, an innovative USB Android Robot charger, from GEN and let everyone know you support the fight against breast cancer. Use the promotional code PINKPWR and receive a $5 deduction from any Andra or Andru product. In addition, $5 of each sale will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
(Andra, $25)
iLuv MobiTour
iLuv is donating 10 percent of sales from their wireless stereo speaker, MobiTour, to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Use the promo code BCA2013 to purchase the high-performance, trendy speaker and take it with you on your next outing.
(iLuv, $50)
VXi’s V100 Pink Ribbon Wireless Headset
Show your support with VXi’s V100 Pink Ribbon wireless headset system. Whether you’re working from home or in a corporate office, inspire everyone around you with this Bluetooth-like product specifically designed to accomplish more in an office environment. VXi will donate $20 from each V100 Pink Ribbon purchase to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
(VXi, $180)
Coveroo Pink Ribbon collection
Show your support wherever you go with a Pink Ribbon custom cover and case. Design a cover for your phone, tablet, or eReader with’s Pink Ribbon collection. With each product sold, Coveroo will donate $3 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
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