A new study showed that most women who had breast implants say it spiced up their sex lives.
True or false: Bigger breasts will make your sex life better?
True, according to new research from Brazilian scientists. They say that women who got breast implants noticed that it improved their sex lives. The researchers said the implants boosted arousal and satisfaction.
The downside: Women who had stretch marks due to their implants didn’t experience any improvement to their sex lives.
The study examined 45 women who had plans for breast implant surgery. Before surgery, they filled out a questionnaire pertaining to their desire, satisfaction and arousal. The patients completed the same questionnaire two, four and 18 months after their surgeries.
Of the 36 women that did not develop stretch marks after surgery, they said they were happier with their sex lives and more aroused four and 18 months after surgery.
But the nine women who experienced stretch marks didn’t have any improvement in their sex lives. Women experience stretch marks with implants that are significantly larger than the original breast, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) says.
“When I see patients and follow up, a lot of them will say, ‘My husband and I or my boyfriend and I are having a lot of fun.’ Why not? It’s an important part of life,” said Dr. David Reath, chair of the public education committee of the ASPS.
Tomi-Ann Roberts, a distinguished professor of psychology at Colorado College, says the results come as no surprise.
“Here are 45 women who spent a great deal of time and money and effort augmenting their breasts because the media has clearly convinced them their breasts are inadequate, so we shouldn’t be surprised they are pleased with the breast augmentation,” she said.
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