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10 Ten-minute workout routines for your living room


Chair workout

Sometimes, you just don’t want to get up out of your chair. I get that. Luckily, this workout allows you to perform exercises using nothing but a sturdy chair as a prop. Do this routine while watching your favorite shows or even perform the moves at the office. Either way, perform the series of exercises and allow for minimal rest between sets and reps. The entire routine takes about 8 to 10 minutes, so if you finish early, fill the extra time by jogging in place.

The routine:

  • 30 squat taps
  • 2 sets of 15 repetitions single-leg lunge
  • 2 sets of 12 repetitions chair push-ups
  • 2 sets of 12 repetitions chair dips
  • 2 sets of 12 repetitions leg pulls
  • 2 sets 30-second side planks to each side

Squat taps

Stand directly in front of a chair with your feet hip-distance apart. Tip your hips backward and bend your knees, lowering your butt toward the chair. As soon as your thighs or butt make contact with the chair, immediately press yourself back up to standing.

Single-leg lunge

Stand a couple feet in front of a chair and extend one leg behind you, placing the top of your foot on top of the chair. This isolates the lunge movement to your front leg. Bend both knees and lower your back knee toward the floor. When you’ve lunged down as far as you can, reverse the movement and press through your front foot to return to standing.

Chair push-ups

Stand behind a sturdy chair and place both hands on the chair back. Keep in mind that even sturdy chairs can still move, so this will require upper body strength to perform the push-up while also working to keep the chair steady. Step your feet behind you until your body forms a straight line. Bend your elbows and lower your chest toward the chair back. When your elbows form a 90 degree angle, press yourself back up to start.

Chair dips

Sit on the edge of a chair and grip the chair’s front edge with both hands. Step your feet out in front of you so your heels are on the ground and your legs are straight. Press up through your palms to lift your butt up off the chair. Shift your weight forward until your torso is in front of the chair. This is the starting position. Bend both elbows backward and lower your butt toward the floor. When your elbows form a 90 degree angle, extend your elbows and press yourself back up to start.

Leg pulls

Sit on the front edge of a chair and grip the sides with both hands, slightly behind your butt. Lean your torso backward and lift your feet from the ground, extending your legs in front of the chair. Tighten your core and pull your knees in toward your chest, and then extend them out again.

Side planks

Stand in front of a chair and then turn your body to one side. Place the palm closest to the chair on the chair’s seat, then step your feet out, extending your body until your body forms a straight line from feet to head, so that you’re balanced on one palm and the sides of one or both feet. You can either stack your feet one on top of the other, or you can rest both feet on the ground, one in front of the other. Hold the position for the full count.

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