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Fun ways to lose your resolution weight

So you resolved to lose weight this year, huh? Millions of people promised themselves the same thing. But what makes you different? You have us to help you reach your goals!

Zumba, breakfast smoothies and more!

So you resolved to lose weight this year, huh? Millions of people promised themselves the same thing. But what makes you different? You have us to help you reach your goals!

Losing weight doesn’t have to be a monotonous cycle of cardio and salads. You can have fun with it, too!

Do it with friends

Instead of walking or running on your own, find a buddy or coerce the hubby to go with you. Even if you don’t chat much, it’s nice to have someone to giggle with when you see someone who looks like their dog or need someone to push you over that last hill.

Open Pinterest, search for smoothies

Mmm! Our mouths are watering just thinking about all those pictures of pink, purple and orange frozen concoctions. Replace the frozen waffle or boring cereal with something sweet, colorful and healthy. Be careful, though! Just because it’s a “smoothie” doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

Pick fun workouts

Treadmills are so “ugh!” Why not bust out a Zumba video or pop the video game Just Dance into the Wii? If your kids are around, we’re sure they’d like it, too. Even if they’re in school, some fiery music and sassy moves make working out so much better than running at the wall.

Involve the kids

Teaching kids the importance of exercise and healthy food is essential. Plan your yoga routine just before nap time and get the kids involved. There are actually YouTube videos on how to do yoga with your baby, too. Bonus: Help your kids learn what foods are good for them and then let them plan and shop for a healthy meal or two. If they’re picking out their own bright orange peppers and red tomatoes, they’re more likely to eat the food.

Reward yourself

While losing weight should be a nice enough reward, sometimes it’s just not enough, especially when you’re still wearing the same clothes from before. Maybe you can agree to buy yourself one new outfit for every 5 to 10 pounds you lose. Or buy that dress that’s a size or two too small, hang it in front of the elliptical machine and run toward it. If you can’t fit comfortably into it before the return period, it goes back to the store. Harsh? Yes. But it might just work!

See? Sticking to your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. If you make it fun and worthwhile, it’s actually a lot easier to stick with it.

More on fitness

How many calories can Zumba burn?
Zumba moves that make you feel like Beyoncé
30-Minute mini Zumba routine for home

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