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15 Highs and lows of back to school

Sending the kids back to school after the break means big changes in the daily routine — for better and for worse.

Back-to-school BooHoos & Woo-Hoos!

Sending the kids back to school after the break means big changes in the daily routine — for better and for worse.



It’s all about you

It’s great to have so much time with the kids, but after a long school break, we’re oh-so-ready to get them dressed and fed, and send them on their way. After all, moms need some “me” time, too. Glennon, the amazing woman who writes the blog Momastery best portrayed the feeling many of us moms have when we send the kiddos off to school.

In her words…


“Hells to the yeah!!!!!”

“Look at me, mamas of toddlers — it gets better!!!!!”


Solo grocery shopping

Strolling those aisles without the kids in tow can be a Zen-like experience. If you’ve been there, you know.


No more “I’m bored!”

If your kids struggle with self-entertaining, the first day back to school can be a hallelujah moment.


Hooray for the routine

Why all the excitement? Some of us (kids and moms alike) do better with a predictable schedule, and getting back to the routine is a welcome change. After the break, it’s nice to hand the kids off to trained professionals.


You get your iPad back

No need to feel guilty for upping the daily limit on video games over the break. I know I certainly enjoyed a more than a few quiet hours while the kids were immersed in Minecraft. But after three weeks, I’m happy to have them off the screens.


No more playing referee

If you have more than one child, you probably spend a fair amount of time refereeing arguments when the kids are out of school. Frankly, getting involved in the kids’ disputes can be exhausting.


Day dates

Take advantage of the kids being away and schedule some time with your honey. Lazy mornings in bed, midmorning hikes or lunch dates are all good options.


A cleaner house

It’s fun to have the kids work on their chef skills, build monster forts and bust into the art supplies during the break. But it also turns the house into a disaster zone. A “back to school” home is a cleaner home. That’s a fact.



Packing lunches

Remember that old Dunkin’ Donuts ad where the doughnut maker wakes up at the crack of dawn, muttering, “Time to make the doughnuts.” He might as well be saying, “Time to pack the lunches.”


Setting an alarm

Sleeping in while the kids are out of school is a blessed thing. When school starts up, that luxury is nothing but a distant memory.


The morning rush

We still haven’t mastered the morning routine in our family. While I always look forward to school starting up, I dread the crazed mornings and the mad rush to get to school on time.


Say goodbye
to pajama days

There are days over the break when the kids and I stay in our jammies until lunchtime or later. Lazy days and snuggling up for movies in bed are some of the memories I’ll always treasure.


Shuttle service begins

Shortly after school’s back in session, the extracurricular activities begin. Between gymnastics, Little League, piano, art club and boys choir, it’s road warrior time.


A quiet house

After the hubbub of a school break, the house can seem a little quiet and downright lonely when the kids strap on their backpacks and head off to school. Now when does that next break start?



Back to school means back to the homework grind — for kids and for parents.


This “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” Staples back-to-school ad never gets old.

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