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How to avoid your child’s germs

When a child catches a cold or flu, it’s a given that Mom’s the next one to get the bug, right? Not necessarily. Take precautions and stay healthy. The family is counting on it!

Avoid catching your child’s cold or flu

When a child catches a cold or flu, it’s a given that Mom’s the next one to get the bug, right? Not necessarily. Take precautions and stay healthy. The family is counting on it!

Take a probiotic

Keep your gut happy and healthy with a probiotic supplement. Not only do probiotics help with intestinal health, but they also give your immune system a boost.

Don’t swap spit

Sharing is great, but not when it comes to food and drink. Teach the kids to keep their hands and mouths on their own plates and glasses.

Teach kids to wash their
hands the right way

Hand washing is one of the easiest ways to stop the spread of germs, but studies show most people aren’t doing it right. Teach kids to use soap and water, scrub for 20 seconds, and get both sides of the hand and in between the fingers. If soap isn’t available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

Wash your own hands
the right way

Sometimes parents need to work on practicing what they preach, and hand washing is a prime example. Go ahead and sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice while sudsing up. Model the right behavior and protect yourself from germs, too.


If your child is sick, use disinfecting wipes to clean doorknobs, tables and handrails. Wash plastic toys in the sink or dishwasher and toss stuffed animals in the washing machine. Keep bathroom toilets, floors and sinks disinfected to stop the spread of germs from vomiting or diarrhea.

Hit the juice bar

Thanks to the popularity of freshly squeezed juice bars, it’s easier than ever to enjoy a green smoothie or juice blend to get your vitamins and natural supplements the delicious way. Prefer to blend your own immunity-boosting concoctions? Try the recipes below.

5 Mixed juice drinks to boost your immune system >>

Change towels regularly

If the kids use their own bathroom, it’s easy to forget to duck in and swap out the dirty hand towels for clean ones on a regular basis. Get in the habit of changing the kids’ towels regularly to keep germs from spreading.

Tissue power

Sneezing and coughing can spread a cold or flu to the entire family faster than you can say, “Pass me a tissue.” Teach kids to cover their noses and mouths with tissues when coughing and sneezing.

Protect yourself with a flu shot

When flu season rolls around, protect yourself with a flu shot. If you’ve ever been sacked out in bed with a fever for days, you know families don’t function very well with Mom out of the picture.

More tips for good health

15 Holistic ways to prevent sickness
15 Highs and lows of back-to-school
Need to know hand washing facts

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