Your Facebook feed is full of marathon-related status updates every single weekend. Stop grumbling about your show-off friends and go out there and grab your own medal — and don’t forget the selfie.
There’s nothing easy about running a race, especially one that qualifies as a marathon, but these races are so much fun that you might just forget what you’re doing (at least for a bit).
The Color Run
Image credit: Flo-Foto
They don’t call this “the happiest 5k on the planet” for no reason. Start in all white, then run, jog or dance your way through this music-filled party on the streets. By the time you reach the finish line, you’ll be doused in color from head to toe. Oh, and this race isn’t timed, so don’t worry about keeping up.
Disney Princess Half Marathon
Image credit: Walt Disney World
We don’t recommend running in heels, but a dress and tiara would totally fit in at this event. The Disney Princess Half Marathon is part of an entire running-themed weekend designed just for girls in the heart of Disney World. Grab a girlfriend, sign up as a team and have a blast running through Cinderella’s castle while Mickey cheers you on.
Historic Half
Photo courtesy of the Marine Corps Historic Half
The historic streets of Fredericksburg, Virginia, serve as a setting to the Historic Half, a race that starts when the town crier calls for the starting musket to fire. If the historic landmarks along the route don’t motivate you to run, the Marines waiting at the finish line just might.
Hot Chocolate 15/5k
Image credit: Hot Chocolate 15/5k
Forget medals (although you’ll get one of those, too), the Hot Chocolate 15/5k rewards you with chocolate at the finish line. The post-race party includes a commemorative mug filled with steaming hot chocolate, chocolate fondue with fruit for dipping and a goody bag filled with even more treats. Plus, this race is known for having one of the best swag bags around — in 2014 they included technical fleece hoodies.
Dirty Girl 5k Mud Run
Forget everything your mama told you about not playing in the mud. The only requirement for this race is that you get dirty. This women-only race and obstacle course is all about working together, having fun and finishing what you started — even if it’s not in first place.
Flying Pig Marathon
So you say you’ll run a race when pigs fly? Well now’s the time, girlfriend! The Flying Pig Marathon, held each spring in Cincinnati, Ohio, is designed to be a race for runners of every ability. Strap on that pig nose and get silly with the folks of southern Ohio in a race that benefits more than 30 charities.
Honolulu Marathon
We’re guessing the location alone is enough to get you off that couch and into some running shoes. The Honolulu Marathon is full of gorgeous views, friendly locals and mostly flat terrain. There’s no cutoff time, so you can go as slow as you need to — then soothe your sore muscles on the beach.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series
Forget your headphones — you won’t need them at this music-filled race. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series is exactly like it sounds. Live music dots the course, with a big-name band waiting to put on a show at the finish line.
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