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10 Viral wedding dances that started the craze

In fairy tales, happy couples ride off into the sunset on gallant steeds. Modern couples, though, dance into happily ever after… sometimes with a little help from their friends. It’s no surprise these epic wedding dances are being immortalized via viral video.
With over 80 million YouTube views, the viral “JK Wedding Entrance Dance” is perhaps the most widely watched wedding dance video ever. And why not, right? It’s adorable. Bride and groom Jill and Kevin join their wedding party in an impressively choreographed trip down the aisle to Chris Brown’s “Forever.” Fun fact: The couple created an app so people who watch the video can donate to the Sheila Wellstone Foundation, which works to put an end to domestic violence. To date, they’ve raised over $50,000.
While the JK Wedding Entrance Dance may be the best known of the wedding dance videos — and it’s even often credited with kicking off the viral wedding dance video craze — this cool couple actually posted their surprise wedding dance video several years before the JK video. Their take? “We don’t know how to waltz. We don’t know how to poplock. But we do know how to have fun.”
We couldn’t love this video any more if we tried. Groom Brian wanted to give his bride, Emily, a present she would never forget on their wedding day. Judging by her face when he and his groomsmen pull off this Justin Bieber spoof dance, we’d say he succeeded in a major way. What really blows us away is how much time these guys must have put into this prior to the big day. Talk about true love.
Couple Dominique Morisseau and Jimmy Keys aren’t just a beautiful couple — they’re beautiful dance partners, too. This super-smooth first dance sees the bride and groom shake their groove things to a mega-medley of songs like “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” from Dirty Dancing, “In the Mood,” and “Somebody for Me.”
Sir Mix-a-Lot’s circa-1992 hit “Baby Got Back” probably isn’t the song you think of when you imagine the bride and groom dancing on their big day. That’s what makes this video even better: the element of surprise. Nobody expected this couple to bust out “Baby Got Back,” but they did… and no one at the wedding will ever forget it.
When London couple James and Julia Derbyshire decided to recreate Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey’s classic dance from the end of Dirty Dancing at their wedding, they never in a million years could have imagined the video they posted online for their friends and family in America would go viral. Or that after several million views, it would land them on The Oprah Winfrey Show, where Julia got to dance with the man, the myth, the legend himself: Mr. Patrick Swayze.
There’s dancing… and then there’s swing dancing. Monika and Nicholas, who were married in 2008, opted for the latter at their May wedding. They put together and performed this energetic routine, much to the surprise of their friends and family. Doesn’t it make you want to go out and buy a poodle skirt and some Mary Janes and get to twirling?
Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” is one of the most popular dances of all time, so we think think throwing it into the wedding mix is a match made in pop music heaven. In this video, which has been viewed millions of times since it was first posted, the entire wedding party gets in on the act. They must have been pretty impressive — they were featured on Good Morning America afterward.
This mother/son dance medley makes us think two things right off the bat. First, please let us be this cool when our kids grow up and get married (eek). Second, Mama’s got moves, y’all. Not only can she hang with her son, we’d venture to say she even outdances him in certain spots.
The family that sways together stays together? The Clay family could not be cuter if they tried. Bride and groom Liz and Clay come out and start the motions of a romantic first dance, which in itself is beautiful. They throw everyone for a loop, though, when they bust out with popular dances like the apache, soulja boy, two step, walk it out and reggae. But the icing on the cake is when their precious boys join in.

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