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How to get into the exercise mindset

Without the right mindset, you will never be successful, so ditch the idea of fitness being a chore and follow some of these guidelines and take responsibility for yourself.


Photo credit: Catherine Yeulet/iStock/360/Getty Images

t So many people tend to make excuses as to why they can’t get fit or stick to their exercise program. Whether people claim they don’t have enough time or something is in the way of them achieving their goals, those are all excuses. Everyone can make time for exercise if they want to. The problem is that we start to look for excuses if it isn’t something we are automatically successful at. Changing how you look at fitness is crucial in your success. Without the right mindset, you will never be successful, so ditch the idea of fitness being a chore and follow some of these guidelines and take responsibility for yourself.

“Going to failure”

t Going to failure is a term often heard in the weight room. Runners call it hitting the wall, but whatever you call it, it is the key to success. In the gym, going to failure brings great results, but real success comes when you can bring that attitude into the real world. Most of the time, success is the result of going to failure time and time again. You don’t have the luxury of a spotter when you fail in other aspects of your life. The next time you “go to failure” or “hit the wall,” stop and think about how it will help you succeed and grow in the long run; you are learning a valuable lesson about your personal key to success.

Unleash the power of goals

t Goals are the road map to your future. Walking through life with no goals is like driving across country with no road map. You will get somewhere, but it may not be where you wanted to go. Set your path with goals and see your dreams come true. Don’t just enter the gym blindly. Know what you are going to do before you get there and know what you want to achieve. Have attainable, measurable goals that are attached to a date and you will supercharge your fitness plan.

The 90 percent rule

t What ultimately differentiates highly successful people from the rest of the pack? All successful people have a lifestyle designed around empowering habits. The most successful people in any field, be it athletes, lawyers, politicians, etc., those who are the best at what they do all have successful habits. Up to 90 percent of your daily behavior is based on habit. The difference between those who are healthy, fit and successful versus those who may splurge a bit more is not more intelligence, talent, or harder work; it’s not genetics or luck. It is rather that they have a lifestyle designed to help them succeed.

t So be prepared to fail. In fact, embrace it because it means you are actually trying something. Remember what Theodore Roosevelt said: “He who makes no mistakes makes no progress. Welcome the failures because they lead to the successes. Set goals that will catapult you to the best “you” you can be. And make a point of paying attention to your habits. Replace a few un-empowering habits a year with a few empowering ones, set realistic goals, be prepared to fail and watch your body and your life transform right before your eyes.

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